Creating New Event

Creating New Event

Permission Level

Level 2 or Higher - See permission level document for details


This document shows unit administrators or web committee members how to create events on their Drupal web sites.

Table of Contents


Events are used for time-sensitive content, like seminars, conferences, film screenings, and more. For example, a page about a faculty seminar, a page with information about an upcoming conference, or a page listing a thesis Zoom presentation are considered events. An event is simply a title, a date and time, a location, with some text in the body. Images can be embedded within the body of the page; one can also have a main speaker photo. One can note special information about the event; a (single) file can also be attached. Specific personnel, mentioned in the article, can be linked (so that the article automatically links to their directory page at the bottom, and the directory page will link to articles mentioning that personnel); if the speaker is from an outside institution, that can also be noted. A departmental host or contact can be indicated. Localist calendar information can be included, so that the event may be picked up by the UGA Localist calendar. Depending on your unit, research areas can also be linked (as with personnel).

Step 1: Create New Event

First click on 'Content.'

Then 'Add content'

Then click on 'Event'.

You should get to this page:

Step 2: Fill in Basic Required Relevant Information

The minimum this page needs to have is Title, Date and Time, Location, and Description of Event. See below. 

Title of Event

Date and Time

You must select a Date and Time of the event:

Both the Date and Time fields have popup interfaces, which you can select by clicking the little calendar and little clock, respectively:

expands to:

and the time:

expands to:


You must enter an Event Location:

Description of Event

For the event description, a summary is available (if you don't want the shortened version to be automatically generated) by clicking on "Edit summary":

The event description can contain formatting:

Step 3: Fill in Optional Fields

There are lots of optional fields you might want to use. Please see below for an explanation for all of the optional fields for events

Type of Event

You can select a Type of Event (if you have them listed in a taxonomy):

Speaker Photo

You can upload a Speaker Photo:

Special Information

There is also an optional field for special information, such as an unusual location or time:


You can also upload a single file (whose file types are restricted to those listed on the page, in this case txt, pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, and rtf):


If the speaker is one of your departmental personnel, then you can link to their personnel page directly (and multiple speakers can be linked):

Note that it autocompletes:

It will look like this after the personnel is selected:

If the speaker is external to your department, you may still list information about the speaker:

Departmental Host or Contact

You may list a departmental host or contact (it will autocomplete as you type):

UGA Localist Calendar Fields

If you would like for your event to be picked up by the UGA Localist calendar, you must fill out the following section:

Clicking on the "UGA Localist Calendar Fields" link expands the fields for you to fill out:

See more about UGA Calendar Fields

Research Areas

If you have research areas defined, you can link to research areas mentioned in the event:

This field also autocompletes:

and looks like this after selecting a research area:

Step 4: Save

After you have saved the page, you will see the visual page. In this example, we used the non-faculty personnel fields, photo and special information field. Here is how it will look. 

Also see Adding Images to Content for assistance adding an image to an article. 

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