Interesting Uses of Departmental Sites

Interesting Uses of Departmental Sites

Web siteInteresting Uses

We are UGA History Video - available from the homepage - http://hist.franklin.uga.edu/

History at Workhttp://hist.franklin.uga.edu/history-work - this is a good document that addresses how to use a History degree

History at Work Speaker Series - http://hist.franklin.uga.edu/history-work-speaker-series - they have a collection of events where former history majors discuss how they transform history degrees into post-college careers


List of Private Tutors by Course - http://chem.franklin.uga.edu/list-private-tutors - this is really great for students

Contact Listhttps://chem.franklin.uga.edu/contact-us - this is a nice comprehensive list of all important contacts in the department

Research Details pagehttps://chem.franklin.uga.edu/research/content/analytical-chemistry - we worked with the department to create a more developed listing of faculty that work on the research areas. Other departments can have this view if requested 

Undergraduate and Graduate FAQshttps://chem.franklin.uga.edu/faqs-undergraduate-chemistry-program and https://chem.franklin.uga.edu/faq-graduate-program - these are great because its a good collection of past questions received by prospective applicants. 


Job Postings on Homepage - http://math.franklin.uga.edu/ - they highlight all open positions right in their homepage. 

Historyhttps://math.franklin.uga.edu/history-mathematics-uga - Like Psychology, there's a history section. It could be laid out better, but I do like it when sites have a historical page on their site. It is interesting to see the evolution of the department within the university.

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Labshttp://bcmb.franklin.uga.edu/research/labs - they do a good job of adding useful information about each lab, and they make sure their faculty and graduate students are attached to the labs they participate in. 

BISP mini sitehttp://bcmb.franklin.uga.edu/bff 


Undergraduate Student Landing Pagehttp://stat.franklin.uga.edu/undergraduate-students - nice collection of things that students might need

Graduate Student Landing pagehttp://stat.franklin.uga.edu/graduate-students  - nice collection of things that students might need

Romance Languages

Academics - http://roml.franklin.uga.edu/academics - They have their information organized very efficiently. The structure is easy to follow. 

Programshttp://roml.franklin.uga.edu/language-programs - consistent formatting and structure for every program

Faculty and Staff Resources - https://roml.franklin.uga.edu/romance-languages-faculty-and-staff-resources - some interesting items there

Directory filteringhttps://roml.franklin.uga.edu/directory/all - this department has a special taxonomy to allow a visitor to filter the directory by language. 

Study Abroad mini siteshttps://roml.franklin.uga.edu/ugaba/home and https://roml.franklin.uga.edu/UGA-en-Espana/home - they are using a mini-site functionality to highlight programs


Program Mini Sitehttp://geog.franklin.uga.edu/atsc/atmospheric-sciences-program - they are using a mini-site functionality to highlight programs

Prospective Studentshttp://geog.franklin.uga.edu/prospective-students - nice organized

Personnel pages - their personnel pages are particularly well-connected to students and article content. Their research areas could use more development


Navigation - English really streamlined their navigation.

Basic Pages for students - One their top level pages, they make great use of the sidebar and add interesting images. https://engl.franklin.uga.edu/undergraduate-studies

Computer Science

Job Postings on Homepage - http://csci.franklin.uga.edu/ - they highlight all open positions right in their homepage. 

Promotion of New Classes - http://csci.franklin.uga.edu/news/stories/2019/new-course-fall-2019-csci-49006900-3-hrs - they use news articles to promote their new courses

PsychologyHistoryhttp://psyc.franklin.uga.edu/history-psychology-university-georgia-0 It could be laid out better, but I do like it when sites have a historical page on their site. It is interesting to see the evolution of the department within the university. Math has this too. 
Plant BiologyNews -  http://pbio.franklin.uga.edu PBIO does a fantastic job of publishing the successes and activities of individuals in their department. They focus a lot on students, but also celebrate staff milestones. 
PhilosophyNice easy undergraduate landing page - https://phil.franklin.uga.edu/undergraduate-students
MicrobiologyUpcoming Eventshttp://mibo.franklin.uga.edu/events/all - utilizing the Monthly Calendar View/List view toggle features
Cellular BiologyHighlight Research Areas on Home pagehttp://cbio.franklin.uga.edu/
Marine Sciences

Where in the world is Marine Sciences? https://mars.franklin.uga.edu/research-locations - highlighted on their homepage

Vehicle Reservationshttp://mars.franklin.uga.edu/vehicle-reservations - they are using an outlook calendar - I need to ask them how they are doing that. You can't request through the site but you can see the calendar - makes me think they are using a resource calendar. 

Room Reservations - http://mars.franklin.uga.edu/room-reservations - They have a qualtrics reservation form and they show an outlook resource calendar for each room 

New Employee Orientationhttp://mars.franklin.uga.edu/new-employee-orientation - has links to documents that need to be submitted and links to other useful resources for new staff 

Employee Resources pagehttp://mars.franklin.uga.edu/facultystaff

Researchhttp://mars.franklin.uga.edu/research - they have an nice image and description of each research area

Labs - http://mars.franklin.uga.edu/research/labs - they have a nice photo and description of every lab. 

Communication Studies

UGA Debate Mini sitehttp://comm.franklin.uga.edu/uga-debate - they are using a mini-site functionality to highlight programs

Faculty Awardshttp://comm.franklin.uga.edu/faculty-awards - they promote all the awards their faculty have won on a single page

SociologyOn the Job Market and Recently Hiredhttps://soci.franklin.uga.edu/directory/graduate-students/on-the-job-market/candidates/1739 https://soci.franklin.uga.edu/directory/graduate-students/on-the-job-market/hired - Three special views displays to advertise students who are looking for jobs. 
Women's Studies

Women and Girls Conference Mini site -  http://wmst.franklin.uga.edu/wagg - they are using a mini-site functionality to highlight programs

Scholarships/Job Opportunities pagehttp://wmst.franklin.uga.edu/scholarshipsjob-opportunities - nice collection of resources - includes descriptions about each resource

Newsletters - http://wmst.franklin.uga.edu/newsletters - they are active about generating print newsletters and keep the web site updated with links to them. 

Comparative LiteratureContacts on HP - http://cmlt.franklin.uga.edu/ - they keep a good list of departmental top level contacts right on their homepage. 
LinguisticsAcademicshttp://ling.franklin.uga.edu/academics - very well organized structure. Broken down by Graduate, Undergraduate and Double Dawg. Love the way this is structured. Within each section they have the content organized well. 
Germanic and Slavic Studies

Social mediahttp://grmn.franklin.uga.edu - Not related to website so much, but GSS does great with social media. Their Facebook feed in on their homepage. We have several departments doing this, but GSS does a great job with updating their profile with very useful content. 

Student Engagement Forms - has some interesting qualtrics forms to engage students and get their contact information. http://grmn.franklin.uga.edu/request-info-ma-german and http://grmn.franklin.uga.edu/information-request-virtual-german-exchange-program 


News https://anth.franklin.uga.edu - ANTH has always been ontop of their news. They usually have a few good articles and visuals to go with them every semester.

Courses - https://anth.franklin.uga.edu/courses/allAnthropology has spent a lot of time developing their courses content. Instead of listing all courses, they publish upcoming courses and hide the rest. (I believe that Ryan Robinson was solely behind this effort, and he has left.)

ClassicsStudy Abroad mini sitehttp://clas.franklin.uga.edu/rome/home - they are using a mini-site functionality to highlight programs

Researchhttp://geol.franklin.uga.edu/research - The descriptions and icons, though a relic from their previous site, are great. 

Complete Listing of all Dissertations and Theseshttp://geology.uga.edu/theses-and-dissertations

Departmental Award Listinghttp://geology.uga.edu/departmental-awards

Archive of Welcome Lettershttps://geol.franklin.uga.edu/welcome-letter-archive-page

Theatre and Film

Academicshttp://thea.franklin.uga.edu/academics - well organized academic section

Event Submissionshttps://ugeorgia.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7VaSWWNpNhfK5Df - people can submit events for consideration on the calendar