Creating New FAQ

Creating New FAQ

Complexity Level: Beginner

This is a beginner topic. Little to no advanced knowledge is required.

Permission Level


This document shows unit administrators or web committee members instructions on creating FAQs for their web sites

Table of Contents

FAQ Page

This content type makes it easier to create categories of FAQs and enter questions and answers, and even reorder them without having to create manual static pages. This content type also lets you create landing pages for different audiences so they only see questions that relate to them. The audiences are undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, staff and alumni. 

Step 1: Create New FAQ Category

First click on 'Content.'

Then 'Add content'

Then click on 'FAQ'

You should get to this page:

Step 2: Fill in Relevant Information

In this step you are creating the category and the questions and answers that go in it at the same time. Enter a Title for the category, choose the audience (optional) this category is relevant to (you can pick multiple), and then enter at least one question and one answer. 

Step 3: Save!

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the save button.

And that's it! The new FAQ Category has been created

Each category has its own page that looks like this.

You can re-order the questions in whatever order you want on the edit/add page where you create the questions and answers. Just grab the little anchor next to question and drag and drop

If you want to link FAQ to specific audiences, here are the relevant audience links. There will only be content available if you checked that audience when creating the FAQ category/Q&As.

Login Assistance

To manage any part of your web site, you will have to be logged into the Drupal CMS.

If you need help logging in, please review this login help document. 

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