Link to Courses on the UGA Bulletin

Link to Courses on the UGA Bulletin

Complexity Level: Beginner

This is a beginner topic. Little to no advanced knowledge is required.

Permission Level


The UGA Bulletin holds all courses. Sometimes, instead of using the Courses content type in Drupal, clients just want to provide a link to the Bulletin entry. But how does do you get that link? 

Table of Contents


When you search the Bulletin for either a specific course or all courses in a subject area, the url at the top doesn't change to provide you with a link to your results. This makes it difficult to provide anything other than a general link to the Bulletin for course reference. 

In the below example, I've searched for AFAM 2020, which is now showing as a result. 

Notice that the url at the top is still the general url, http://www.bulletin.uga.edu/CoursesHome.aspx, and does not reflect my search results:

Solutions - Use One of These Link Patterns

There are patterns we can use to get links to both specific Bulletin courses and to courses from general subject areas.

URL pattern for a specific course

Here's the url for the course we searched for in the above example, AFAM 2020.


1) Take this base URL:


2) And add the course Prefix and Number to it without spaces. In our case, AFAM2020.


So here's how it goes all together:

http://bulletin.uga.edu/Link.aspx?cid= + AFAM2020 = http://bulletin.uga.edu/Link.aspx?cid=AFAM2020

URL pattern for all courses in a subject area

Here's how we can see a Bulletin list of all African-American Studies courses:


1) Take this base URL:


2) And add the subject area Prefix to it. In our case, AFAM.


So here's how it goes all together:

http://bulletin.uga.edu/CoursesHome.aspx?prefix= + AFAM = http://www.bulletin.uga.edu/CoursesHome.aspx?prefix=AFAM

You now have a link to all African-American Studies courses. 

Insert the Link into Your Page Like Normal

Here's documentation on how to do that with our Drupal sites:

Adding Links to Content

Inserting PDFs and Other Documents

Login Assistance

To manage any part of your web site, you will have to be logged into the Drupal CMS.

If you need help logging in, please review this login help document. 

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