Project Showcase

Project Showcase

What is Project Showcase Content Type for? 

A project showcase content type creates a spotlight to showcase a project in a department for Franklin College. The fields we support in our project showcase content type are: 


Title - This is the main page title that is displayed at the top of the page and in the site menu. See below.

Description - this is the main content area of your project showcase. You can add basic content with formatting, and images. See below. 

Project Image - this is the main image for the project showcase. 

Personnel from Our Unit - this is where you can add personnel from your unit that are working on the project.

Personnel from Outside Our Unit - this is where you can add personnel from outside of your unit that are working on the project.

Associated Research Areas - this is where you add research areas that are associated with your project showcase.

Sidebarthis is an additional area where you can add highlighted content on any page. This can be formatted text and images.

Project Showcase View

Create Project Showcase Screen

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