Homepage Image Header

Homepage Image Header

What is Homepage Image Header Content Type for? 

A Homepage Image Header is a custom content type used to add landscape sized wide screen images in the masthead (header) area of your web site. The site will allow you to create an unlimited number of image headers, but will randomly select tone (1) image to display in each page load. The difference between this content type and Slide is the size of it as it's larger, and it allows you to add text on either the left or right side of the image as well as a certain amount of buttons at the bottom of the image. The fields for this content type are:


Note: Unlike other the other content types, we don't show "Image Headers" by themselves with their fields next to them. While the below page view of the imge exists and is indexable, most people will not see the image header in this way.

Instead, visitors will interact with the image as it appears on the front page of your site in the homepage image header

Title - This is basically just the name of the content type. It will be shown on the homepage image header page, but not on the view itself once it's configured.

View when you are adding the slide's title: 

As it appears on the homepage image header "page," which is not generally seen by site visitors:

This will not appear on the homepage image header.

Homepage Image - This is where you upload your homepage image header. 

Name - The big text (Heading 2) that appears on the image header.

Quote - Smaller text that appears on the image header.

Header link - Clear button that will show up on the image header.

This is how the last three fields show up on the image:

Quote Position - This determines if the text will show to the left or right of the image.

Homepage Image Header View

Note: Those three buttons on the bottom need to be configured by the Web Team. Just let the team know what you would like those buttons to be. Please remember that they will all be the same in every image that you have. Additionally, they don't have to be there if you would prefer not to have them.

Create Homepage Image Header Screen

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