Research Area

Research Area

What is Research Area Content Type for? 

A Research Area page is a custom content type used to add information to your web site about the types of research being done by your department.  The goal of Research Areas is to give visitors a general idea of the kinds of research performed by faculty, staff and graduate students in the department. Both Labs and Personnel on your website may be associated with a particular Research Area. The fields we support in our Research area content type are: 


Title - This should be a broad area of research, enough to encompass more than one faculty member, graduate students, and/or staff.

Image - An optional field to upload a thumbnail, a visual indicator of the research. The below example comes from the Biogeochemistry research area on Marine Science's website. 

Body - Broadly describe the ways personnel engage in research in this area. 

How to get your photo and/or staff photos to appear with Research Areas

Personnel-- such as faculty, staff and graduate students-- associate themselves with specific labs by using an autocomplete field called "Research Areas" in the Personnel content type. Labs themselves may also be associated with Research Areas.

There are two ways this can look. In the example to the right showing faculty associated with Chemical Education, there's a detailed description of each faculty member's research in that area. 

The default is a more simplified Personnel section, which just has a name a picture and link to the personnel page, as with Marine Sciences below, where you see personnel have associated themselves with the Biogeochemistry Research Area:

How Research Areas appear throughout your site

On the main Research page...

Research Areas occasionally appear as spotlights, but it is more common to feature a faculty or graduate student's research activities than the research area itself.

Research Area View

Create Research Area Screen