

What is Article Content Type for? 

An article is a special content type used to publish news stories or articles that use a publication date for sorting. The article content type is used to pull the most recent news stories to your homepage to keep it updated. The fields we support in our article content type are: 


Title - This is the main title of the news article that is displayed at the top of the page and in the homepage display of the news article. 

Banner - this is a field you can use to upload landscape size image for your news article. This is an image that will represent your news article on the homepage if it is a recent news article. It will also show across the top of your news article in the article listing or on the article view. See below

Body - this is the main content area of your news article

Gallery - you can upload a gallery of images to each news article if you have a number of images. For instance, maybe your news article is about a recent conference. You can upload conference images in a gallery so the visitor can scroll through each of your images. See below. 

Image - this is a field you can use to upload a standard portrait sized image for your news article. This is an image that will represent your news article on the homepage if it is a recent news article. It will also show next to your news article in the article listing or on the article view. See below. 

Personnel - this is a field you can use to connect news articles to your faculty or staff that are listed in your directory. See below. 

Read more - this field is used to link to an article elsewhere on the internet - maybe the original article you are referencing. See below. 

Tags - this field can be used to tag articles with content ideas or categories. It is mainly used as a contextual mechanism to connect articles together by topics. See below. 

Type of News/Audience - this field can be used to categorize your news articles by audience. Some departments may want to have their articles filtered by news for students, faculty or staff. 

How Articles appear throughout your site

Once created, a single article may show up in many places throughout your site, all without you having to do anything extra. 

In spotlights...

In short lists of news...

On the main news page....

With Personnel pages of personnel who have been tagged in the article...

Article View

Create Article Screen

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