Majors & Degrees

Majors & Degrees

What is Majors & Degrees Content Type for?

Majors and degrees is a core content type used to add undergraduate and graduate degrees that your department offers. The fields we support in our majors and degrees content type are: 


Title - This is the main page title that is displayed at the top of the page and in the site menu. See below.

Degree or Program Details - this is the main content area for your degree or program details. You can add information on degree type, about the degree, what you will learn, curriculum/requirements, course descriptions and a sample 4-year schedule. See below. 

Other Information About Degree or Program - this is an additional area where you can add more information about the degree or program. You can add information on other degrees/programs offered, general research information, accreditation and interesting facts. See below. 

Employment Information - this is the area where you enter information about employers and possible job titles.

Student Resources - this is the area where you add scholarship & award information and student organizations.

Degree or Program Contacts - this where you enter contacts for students to get more information about the major or degree.

Useful Links and Resources - this is where you add additional helpful resources for the students choosing this major or degree.

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