Online Course Schedules SLA

Online Course Schedules SLA


This service level agreement defines OIT responsibilities as well as client responsibilities with respect to providing online course schedules on Franklin College Unit Web sites; the agreement also addresses common questions and procedures.

OIT Responsibilities

OIT will provide an online, sortable, and filterable course schedule listing ALL university wide courses available in each semester. The schedule for each semester will be released as soon as the Registrar's office provides the data.

Franklin OIT will:

  • Provide a link to course schedule for each semester
  • Notify site administrators when new course schedule is available
  • Update course schedules on a nightly basis to show the most current data available for each semester. 
  • Provide technical documentation to units for incorporating the schedules into their sites.


There is no charge for this service.

Client Responsibilities

Client is responsible for updating their own unit's web site with the link to new schedules as they are released.


Why is this being made available? 

Currently, the only way students can look up course availability in any particular semester they have to use Athena, which is difficult to use and requires lots of clicking just to navigate, or they can download a 800-900 page large PDF to manually search. Neither of these options is quick, and are not filterable or sortable. This schedule view we created offers students quick access to courses, and seat availability and is updated daily. 

Can this list be filtered for only certain classes relevant to our department? 

No this is a universal list of all classes across the institution. It is not possible for us to create separate course schedules for every disparate department. Departments are free to create their own internal course schedule spreadsheets and load them to their sites, but this is very time consuming and difficult to maintain. Students have reported that they prefer to be able to see all courses in a semester to help with their overall planning and not just courses related to their majors. 

Useful Resources

External Resources

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