Research Lab Web site Service

Research Lab Web site Service

Terms of Use

Approved Uses

Franklin OIT will provide  active UGA Faculty members in Franklin College with a hosted, self-managed website for their grant-funded or self-funded research labs. We will provide only a SINGLE web site to a faculty member. Examples of appropriate uses for a research site include, but are not limited to: 

  • Summary of your research
  • Links to papers or publications or other research data
  • Downloads of data repositories (as long as it is under the 20GB data storage limit)
  • Lab member information and bios
  • Special events hosted by your lab or research project
  • News about your lab or research project
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Ongoing research projects
  • Photo Galleries

Disallowed Usage:

  • Sites that are mostly academic or biographical. If your only content consists of your CV, list of publications, list of research interests, biographical information, personal honors or awards, grants awarded, courses taught, or other general contact information, please place this information on your directory page of your departmental web site.
  • Sites that are exclusively for the purpose of promoting conferences or major events.
    It is fine to post a conference event on your site but the entire site MUST NOT be dedicated to a conference. 
  • Sites for hosting course materials. Course materials should not be stored on these sites in any form. Course materials should be on eLC only or on your own OneDrive. 

Maintenance Requirement

Sites should be actively maintained, which means content should be updated at least 1x per year. These sites are not for long term storage or archival purposes. All links should be checked each year to ensure they are still working. 


Faculty and Research Lab Sites are only available to active, paid Franklin College Faculty who are full-time 9 or 12 month employees

Excluded individuals include: 

  • Emeritus Faculty
  • Retired Faculty
  • Any faculty member with "Ltd Term" in title
  • Any faculty member with "part time" in the job classification.
  • Any faculty member with "Occ" in title
  • Non-Compensated Affiliate Faculty
  • Temporary Faculty

Requesting Use and Support

New Clients

Complete the Research Web site Request Form. Franklin College OIT Web Services will acknowledge your request within 1 working day, and should have the site ready within 3 working days if not sooner.

NOTE: Your site will not be made "live" until it is complete and all content is available. We will not deploy a site with any "coming soon" messages. If you do not work on your site for more than 3 months, it is automatically locked and taken down. 

Existing Clients

You should have received a URL to manage your site. Please login using your MyID and password. If you do not have the URL for managing your site, please submit a helpdesk ticket to request the correct information.

Current Rates for Service*



Initial Web Site Development

Research Lab Website


Website Maintenance

Research Lab Website

Not available – self help only

*Franklin college is covering the cost of hosting these sites currently, but we reserve the right to pass these costs along to the customer. We agree to give at least 6 months notice of any fees to be assessed, and customer will be able to opt-out of the service at that time. 

Additional Documents and Information for Service

Need Help? 

As this is a free service, we do restrict users to the one theme option and technical support is restricted to 1 hour of setup support; however, all content is self-managed and we do have a number of self-help resources available on our website for any common technical questions you may have regarding your site.

We are not able to support installation of any other theme on the Research web server.

Documentation for managing your Research Lab Web site

Content Restrictions and Advisories

Clients are responsible for ensuring that they are authorized to use any copyrighted material that may be posted on their websites. If OIT receives a copyright infringement notification, we may need to take all or part of the site offline until the issue can be rectified. Units must receive permission from students prior to posting images of students on their websites. Content must also adhere to local, state, and federal laws as they apply. Sensitive data may not be stored on the CMS service at any time. The presence of sensitive data will necessitate taking the site off line until all risks have been documented and mitigated.

All Faculty web sites must include the following UGA disclaimer:

“The content and opinions expressed on this Web page do not necessarily reflect the views of nor are they endorsed by the University of Georgia or the University System of Georgia.”

The full policy is published here: http://styleguide.uga.edu/index.php?/entries/website_design_templates_an...(link)

Data backup and Recovery

Franklin OIT will take a nightly backup of each web site. We can restore the web sites at no charge. Please submit a helpdesk ticket to request a restore. 

OIT Responsibility

We will operate this service in accordance with our service level agreement

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