Edit course evaluation settings

Edit course evaluation settings

You can edit any of the following fields associated with an evaluation. We advise you not change the instructor if the course eval is already in progress. The most common reason to modify an evaluation that is already in progress is if you want to alter the end date to leave the evaluation open longer, or if you want to re-open an evaluation for some students that didn't complete their evaluation on time.

  • Course Name
  • Call Number
  • Period (including the time and days of the week the course meets). If you can't find the correct iteration of day and time for your course, please notify us at evaluations@franklin.uga.edu and we can add an entry to meet your specific scheduling of the course.
  • Semester
  • Instructor Name
  • Evaluation Start date – this is the date you want the evaluations to be available for students to respond to
  • Evaluation End date – this is the date you want the evaluation to close to student participation.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1: Locate the course

To view all courses, click the "Course List" link. See below:

Step 2: Filter the results by semester

Click the drop down box that says "All Semesters". Choose the semester you are interested in and click the "Apply Filter" button. See below:

Step 3: Edit the settings

Click the "Edit" link next to the evaluation you want to edit. See below: