How to Install Geneious Software

How to Install Geneious Software


The Institute of Bioinformatics (IOB), with strong support from Franklin College, the Office of Research, and GACRC maintains 75 floating licenses for Geneious sequence analysis software for UGA researchers and students. These licenses provide researchers and students at UGA access to the Geneious software while working on campus or connected to the campus VPN. The floating license version works with the most current version of Geneious Prime or any previous version.  To use the latest version, install or update using the instructions below for the license server.

Work From Home Information

The floating license requires a VPN connection from off campus. Detailed information about installing and connecting to the UGA VPN can be found here: Remote Access VPN

Step-by-step guide

  1. Download and install the Geneious software for your operating system from Geneious downloads (or Previous Versions
  2. To activate the license, follow the onscreen prompts or:
    1. select: Help → Activate license
    2. select the option for "License Server":
    3. Add the following to the popup "Enter your License Details":
      1. Your email*: your uga email address (MyID or alias)
      2. Server: gacrc-license01.gacrc.uga.edu
      3. Port: 27004
      4. select: Activate

Everyone should feel free to install Geneious on as many computers as you like & to use these licenses as needed.  Please remember to Quit Geneious when you are not using it, otherwise you are tying up a license for no good reason. 

  • There are a total of 75 licenses
  • Once a Geneious program is opened using the license server, that license will be in use until the Geneious program is closed
  • It is very important to quit the program when not in use (the Geneious program will not “time out” or remind users to shut down)
  • Licenses are checked out by computer IP and logged; abusers will be blocked
  • During high use days, there are 80+ users trying to make use of the 75 licenses

Tip: If Geneious Prime 2019 suits your needs

IOB is still hosting the old set of 28 concurrent licenses that are limited to Geneious Prime 2019, "in perpetuity."  These licenses and server can never be upgraded, but if the 2019 version suits your needs, these 28 floating licenses are in less demand than the new license server.
  1. To access floating licenses on the 2019 server:
    1. From the menu, select Help > Activate License > Use Floating License Server
    2. Server:
    3. Port: 29001

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