Content Management System (CMS) SLA - Research Lab Sites

Content Management System (CMS) SLA - Research Lab Sites


Franklin College Office of Information Technology (Franklin OIT) selected Drupal as the content management system (CMS) we will offer to for faculty researchers in Franklin College based on features requested by clients, input from stakeholders and colleagues, and after testing alternative solutions. Content updates and other aspects of site administration may be distributed to the site owner or designed individuals. 

These sites and the selected themes are provided as is. "Self-Help" documentation is provided to aid site managers in administering and managing their sites. No additional technical support is available for this service.

This Service Level Agreement is only relevant and applicable if Franklin College faculty have requested sites through our web site sign up form. Our Drupal CMS service is not available for third party created Drupal web sites.

Server Software and Modules

The Franklin OIT CMS service for Faculty and Research Lab Sites includes a standard set of approved contributed modules and themes to aid content editors with the following functions: 

  • Manage site content including basic content pages, pages about personnel (graduate students or lab assistants), course listings, and research areas
  • Upload and resize images for use in pages
  • Format content using WYSIWYG tools
  • Choosing and configuring available themes
  • All sites are allocated 100MB of space.

No additional modules or themes will be added to these sites.

Tiers and Fees

There are no fees for this service. 

Because this is a free service, Franklin OIT does not offer technical support or personal assistance with these sites beyond "Self Help" documentation.


Research Lab Sites are only available to Active Franklin College Faculty. When a faculty member is no longer an active employee of the University, their site will be disabled.

OIT Roles and Responsibilities

OIT will provide the following as part of the CMS service:

  1. OIT will install and configure the web server with Drupal CMS
  2. OIT will setup initial user accounts and access levels using MyID authentication
  3. OIT will appropriate redundant hardware and infrastructure to support these services
  4. OIT will ensure security (SSL) certificates are utilized for all secure transmissions
  5. OIT will provide directory based domain names only
    1. All Research Lab Web sites are provided with the following URL format: http://labname.franklinresearch.uga.edu
  6. OIT will provide self help documentation materials for users and site administrators at this link: Drupal Support

Site Owner Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Clients will submit request for service through the helpdesk ticketing system available at http://helpdesk.franklin.uga.edu. Alternatively, requests may also be submitted to helpdesk@franklin.uga.edu.  Franklin OIT does not provide technical support for this service but can address bugs with the platform or supplement areas that are lacking in documentation.
  2. Clients will only post content appropriate for these sites. 
  3. Clients should familiarize themselves with InfoSec data policies (https://eits.uga.edu/access_and_security/infosec/pols_regs/policies/dcps/) as well as any other relevant data policies.
  4. Clients will make every effort to keep content relevant and up to date

User Levels

Below is a description of the types of activities performed by the user level provided with these sites. 

Content Administrator access - All users can access the Drupal CMS using their normal MyID. This user level provides access to specific pages or directories. Content managers with this level of access are able to perform the basic tasks of making content updates and uploading images (up to 2 MB each).

There is no access to web code under any circumstance.

Content Restrictions and Advisories

Clients are responsible for ensuring that they are authorized to use any copyrighted material that may be posted on their websites. If Franklin OIT receives a copyright infringement notification, we may need to take all or part of the site offline until the issue can be rectified. Faculty or Research Labs must receive permission from students prior to posting images of students on their websites. Content must also adhere to local, state, and federal laws as they apply. Sensitive data may not be stored on the CMS service at any time. The presence of sensitive data will necessitate taking the site offline until all risks have been documented and mitigated.

These sites are not available for Special Events or Student Organizations.

System Reliability and Maintenance

Franklin OIT strives to keep CMS websites in production 24hrs/7days a week. Core upgrades will be performed at regularly scheduled intervals and during hours outside of typical business hours. When necessary, some maintenance may occur during regular business hours. Site owners will be notified of any scheduled or emergency system interruptions. 

Occasionally, campus network problems do occur. During these times, please ask your IT professional to work with EITS to resolve or provide updates on these issues. Off-campus website visitors should work with their Internet Service Providers as necessary to resolve off-campus network issues.

System Security

Systems security and protection are of the utmost importance to Franklin OIT. Security measures have been taken to ensure that our systems are protected against unwanted or malicious external access as well as maintaining the integrity of the data being hosted. Clients with access to systems are responsible for keeping their account credentials secure and limited to only their own use. Account credentials will adhere to the University Password Policy and Standard.

Portions of hosted sites which handle sensitive information will be secured using secure socket layers (SSL) with a fully signed certificate issued from the InCommon Certificate Authority (CA). Site code is isolated on the hosting systems through the use of individual security containers per site, to eliminate any possibility of exposure to underlying databases or other sites hosted on the same systems.

Secure Site Requirements and Limitations

All clients will have the login page of their site served over secure socket layer (SSL) using a signed wildcard certificate issued from InCommon. Custom URL's are not permitted. All URLs are provided by Franklin College in the form of https://researchprojectname.franklinresearch.uga.edu

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