Approved Franklin College Web Content Standards

Approved Franklin College Web Content Standards

Navigation Standard

All academic degree-granting units must use one of the following navigation structures. There are content standards and guidelines for each item detailed in the Content Standards section below. Additional menu items/pages can be added to the Undergraduate or Graduate sections but these menu items/pages are required. 

 Option 1

Option 1: 

    • Academics (first menu position)
      • Undergraduate
        • Majors
        • Minors
        • DoubleDawg 
        • Transfer Student Information
        • Prospective Student Information
        • Experiential learning opportunities
        • Advising
        • Alumni and Careers (Optional but strongly encouraged)
      • Graduate
        • Graduate Degree Programs 
        • Graduate Student Forms 
        • Graduate Student Handbook
        • Advising
        • Alumni and Careers (Optional but strongly encouraged)
    • Other menu items as needed by the Unit can be inserted between first and last position
    • Directory (last menu position)
      • Department Leadership (Top Position, Department Head/Director and any Assistant or Associate Heads or Directors)

Graphic Display of Option 1

Option 1 Menu Layout
 Option 2

Option 2: 

  • Undergraduate (first menu position)
    • Majors
    • Minors
    • DoubleDawg 
    • Transfer Student Information
    • Prospective Student Information
    • Experiential learning opportunities
    • Advising
    • Alumni and Careers (Optional but strongly encouraged)
  • Graduate (second menu position)
    • Graduate Degree Programs 
    • Graduate Student Forms 
    • Graduate Student Handbook
    • Advising
    • Alumni and Careers (Optional but strongly encouraged)
  • Other menu items as needed by the Unit can be inserted between first and last position
  • Directory (last menu position)
    • Department Leadership (Top Position, Department Head/Director and any Assistant or Associate Heads or Directors)

Graphic Display of Option 2

Option 2 Menu Layout

Content Standards


This is a landing page and units can create this page as they see necessary. At a minimum, we ask that links to the subsection pages be provided somewhere on the landing page.


All units are required to display basic information about each major/minor/degree offered. A “Degree” content type will be provided on each website. This content type will allow a unit to create detailed information about their majors/minors/degrees using a collection of designated fields. The list of majors/minors/degrees will be automatically generated to load any “degrees” created using the Degrees content type. The degrees can be filtered by Undergraduate Majors, Undergraduate Minors, Certificates and Graduate Degrees. Units will not need to manually create this page. The web team will work with each unit to get all of this setup and teach web site administrators how to update them. 


Units can create this page as they see necessary but are welcome to use the “Degree” content type to create pages for each of their minors.  The only requirement is that if a unit offers a minor, they provide a list with at least a link to the bulletin. Units are encouraged to provide more information than just the link but are not required to. 


Units can create this page as they see necessary. The only requirement is that if a unit offers a DoubleDawg degree(s), they provide a list with at least a link to the applicable DoubleDawg page about that degree. Units are encouraged to provide more information than just the link but are not required to. 

Transfer Student Information

Units are required to use the standard boilerplate content provided here: https://live-franklin-demo.pantheonsite.io/transfer-students but are encouraged to supplement this page with information beneficial to students in their degree programs.

Prospective Student Information

Units are required to have a prospective student information page but are free to create the content as they see necessary for students interested in their degree programs. 

Experiential Learning Opportunities

Units are required to have an experiential learning opportunities page but are free to create the content as they see necessary for students interested in their degree programs. 


Units are required to use the standard boilerplate content provided here: https://live-franklin-demo.pantheonsite.io/advising but are encouraged to supplement this page with information beneficial to students in their degree programs.

Alumni and Careers (optional but strongly encouraged)

Should provide spotlights on recent alumni including information about their career/job choices. Web team is working on a content type to allow this content to be created easier. 


This is a landing page and units can create this page as they see necessary. At a minimum, we ask that links to the subsection pages be provided somewhere on the landing page.

Graduate Degree Programs

Units offering graduate degree programs are required to have a list of graduate degree programs but are free to create the content as they see necessary for students interested in their graduate degree programs. Units are welcome to use the “Degree” content type to create pages for each of their Graduate Degrees. 

Here are some examples of high-performing program pages to model after:

Graduate Student Forms

Units are required to provide at least a page with one link that links students to the gradstatus site to access needed forms but are encouraged to provide links to department-specific forms if any exist. 

Here are some examples of high-performing program pages that have a robust forms page to model after:

Graduate Student Handbook

All units offering graduate programs are required to have a student handbook. You are not required to provide access to the student handbook from the website, though it is encouraged. We do ask that you at least provide a page with contact information about how to obtain a copy of the handbook if a student needs it. 


Units are required to provide a page about graduate advising, but because this function is so specific to the unit, we will not provide any guidance on the content. 

Alumni and Careers (optional but strongly encouraged)

Should provide spotlights on recent alumni including information about their career/job choices. Web team is working on a content type to allow this content to be created easier. 


The directory is already an existing piece of every site. All units will have an appropriately-named (Department, Institute, Program, School, etc.) 'Department Leadership' category added to their directory menu at the top and will list, at a minimum, the unit head or director. Otherwise, the directory will be unaffected with the exception of changing where it sits in the menu so it is the last menu item. However, units are encouraged to remind faculty and staff to regularly update their profile pages. 

Login Assistance

To manage any part of your web site, you will have to be logged into the Drupal CMS.

If you need help logging in, please review this login help document. 

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Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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Additional Help

If you manage a Department, Center or Institute site, and would like a refresher training session please contact the Franklin Helpdesk at http://helpdesk.franklin.uga.edu or by e-mail at helpdesk@franklin.uga.edu.