How to Restore Files from your CrashPlan Backup

How to Restore Files from your CrashPlan Backup

For CrashPlan users who have accidentally deleted a document and need to restore it, you can use the CrashPlan App to do so.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log into the CrashPlan App using your MyID and password, then using DUO Login.

    • Windows: Find the app in the Windows Menu or in the system tray at the bottom of your screen (you may need to click the ^ symbol to see the icon).
    • Mac: Find the app in your Applications folder or the menu bar at the top of your screen.
  2. Click the "Restore Files" button.  It is the blue button on the right hand side of the window just below the CrashPlan banner.
  3. The next screen will show you the folders and files you have included in your backup. Place a check mark beside any folders or files you would like to restore. Then click the blue "Restore Files..." button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
  4. Here you will decide where you want the file(s) to be restored. We recommend the following settings:
    • Save selected files to: Downloads
    • If file already exists: Rename
    • Permissions: Current
  5. Once the restore is complete, open your Downloads folder (or other location you selected) to find your file(s).
  6. Move the file where you would like to store it, then double-click it to open it.
For more information, see CrashPlan's documentation: Restore files from the CrashPlan app

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