2025-03 | March Franklin College Technology Update
Important Dates
March 7 - April.
The Office of Information Security will start enabling DUO two-factor authentication for Retirees, Departmental accounts, and IT-related administrative accounts. DUO will only be required from off-campus connections.
March 10
Research Computing Webinar Series - Provided by Dr. Alan Dorsey and the Georgia Advanced Computing Resource Center (GACRC). (Registration Here)
March 17
QuestionPro Survey Tool available for use by faculty and students for research, instruction, and learning outcome. (For more information)
March 17
EITS will start the annual MyID verification process. Unused accounts and owners of Departmental accounts will receive an email with instructions to verify continued need for the account.
April 1
Units requiring Qualtrics survey tool for ongoing use beyond May 2025 must contact Franklin OIT to be considered for the buy-in. (For more Information)
Franklin OIT Deadline for Student Technology Fee Base Allocation Requests. (For more information)
Center for Teaching and Learning Deadline for Learning Technology Grants (LTG). (For more information)
April 4-6
Campus Identity Management maintenance during the weekend. Logins will sill work but creation/deletion of accounts and changes will not work during the maintenance.
Technology Updates
Franklin OIT Welcomes new Team Members
With the creation of a new dedicated IT Manager over our Systems Management Team, we are pleased to welcome Steve Turley. Steve leads the team responsible for providing the core services to Franklin College units, consultation and server support for researchers, and provides direct input into the overall technical technical direction of the college. Steve’s team also recently hired Ben Baugh, a talented Systems Administrator Specialist who will help to fill recent vacancies on the team. We also welcome three new team members, Travion Lawrence, Ben Paquette, and Jack Fischer on our Client Services Team who will be providing desktop support and guidance to our faculty and staff.
College-wide Endpoint Security Updates and Management Implementations
As a continuation of last Fall’s security cleanup and mitigation project in preparation for the June campus deadline, Franklin OIT is meeting with unit leadership to identify legacy devices and other areas of security concern to address.
Campus Telephones are Moving to Microsoft Teams
With the increasing need to have more versatile telephone solutions to meet the modern challenges of a versatile work environment, UGA is moving away from the legacy fixed phones and copper lines to a modern digital and network-based telephone system that can work from anywhere, cost significantly less, and can be more easily managed. If your unit has not already, please reach out to your Departmental Telephone Representative (DTR) to discuss the process to migrate your unit’s phones. We have created an information page which also contains more resources and details.
High Performance Computing Matched funding for FY25
The Vice President for Information Technology is continuing a program to encourage faculty to access dedicated computing resources on the research cluster of the Georgia Advanced Computing Resource Center (GACRC). This VPIT Status and Activity Report for March 2025 Page 3 of 4 program was offered in FY24 and has been extended to FY25 with an additional $250,000 commitment of matching funds. Interested parties can reach out to Franklin OIT to facilitate the process with the GACRC.