2025-02 | UGA Microsoft Teams Phone Migration
Due to the aging copper line infrastructure, costs to maintain the legacy phone system, and an increased number of failures and problems, the central IT group EITS and Telephone Services (TS) have established a plan for the migration of Telephones over to the Microsoft Teams phone system. The full migration of campus to the new phone system is expected to take 2-3 years and units will be initially converted on a first come, first serve basis.
Departmental Telephone Representatives (or DTRs) within colleges and schools can initiate the onboarding process for units transitioning their phone system over to the Microsoft Teams solution. The process is outlined below:
DTRs will submit the Teams Phone Onboarding Request to initiate the onboarding process
Telephone Services (TS) will send a list of current services to the DTR for review and needs identification
TS will send MOU to DTR/DBRs (business).
TS will submit the requests for any Shared Device but DTRs will be responsible for setting up and maintaining passwords for them
(for handsets only:) DNLs will prepare vLAN and provide technical support
Additional Information and Documentation
EITS / Telephone Services Presentation Slides
Post-Migration Usage Guide
Online Knowledgebase and FAQ:
Official list of supported devices (headsets, cameras, headphones, etc.)
Supported USB and Bluetooth Hardware