Student Technology Fee (STF) Process
Franklin College departments have three opportunities to apply for Student Technology Fee (STF) funds:
STF Base Allocations
STF One-Time Funding
Learning Technologies Grants
Franklin OIT is responsible for collecting and submitting funding requests on behalf of the Franklin College Dean's Office unless otherwise noted.
This document defines the three STF funding sources, processes and deadlines for submitting funding requests, and deadlines for spending.
STF Guidelines
The University of Georgia adheres to the USG Student Technology Fee Expenditure guidelines.
Instructional use with direct student benefit is the guiding principle of student technology fee allocation and investment.
STF Dates and Deadlines
The following table outlines the timeline for submitting requests/project proposals, when departments are typically notified about approved requests/projects, and deadlines by which to complete approved purchases.
Source | Franklin Requests & Commitments System | Requests Due | Funding Notifications to Departments | Purchasing Deadlines |
STF Base Allocation Funding | March 1 | April 1 | August 1 | December 1 |
STF One-Time Funding | N/A | October 4 | February 1 | April 1 |
Source | CTL Accepts Requests | Requests Due to CTL | Funding Notifications to Departments from Franklin OIT | Purchasing Deadlines for Departments |
Learning Technologies Grants | March 1 | mid-April* | August 1 | December 1 |
* See LTG information below for more information about proposal criteria and deadlines.
STF Base Allocation Information
Franklin College receives a base allocation annually to address software, hardware, and student support needs in our instructional computer labs and technology-enhanced classrooms. Allocation amounts are posted to the EITS Student Technology Fee homepage.
STF Base Allocation Funding Priorities
The college priorities for STF funds are as follows:
The 4-year replacement cycle for instructional computer lab and classroom computers
Lifecycle management for technology-enhanced classrooms
Software licensing for instructional lab and classroom computers
Peripherals and some discipline-specific needs for instructional computer labs
College-level personnel to support computer labs, classrooms, and instructional technologies
Requesting STF Base Allocation Funds
Department heads or their delegates are responsible for submitting and prioritizing STF base allocation requests in the Franklin College Requests and Commitments System by April 1. A memo to remind department heads to update the queue is sent out in March.
STF Base Allocation Funding Approval
Franklin OIT typically notifies departments by August 1 once funding is transferred and available for departments to spend.
Allocated - funding was allocated to a departmental account for purchase by the department's business manager
OIT Commitment - the request has been selected, but it will be purchased at the college level as part of a consolidated order
Not Selected - the request has not been approved and will not be funded
The deadline for purchasing is December 1. Balances are reallocated to fund additional STF requests after the deadline.
STF One-Time Funding Information
The STF One-Time Funding is in addition to any support that a college or unit may receive as a part of its STF base allocation and must be of an instructional nature. The number of awards varies from year-to-year based on the level of available funding. It is administered by the Vice President for Information Technology's Office with guidance from the STF Advisory Committee.
STF One-Time Funding Priorities
Priority is given to projects meeting the following criteria:
Promise broad-based impact among a diverse set of students
Model collaboration among colleges and units
Propose important innovations in the area of student learning
The minimum project amount is $2,500.
Requesting STF One-Time Funding Allocation Funds
The STF Advisory Committee requires proposals to be submitted via the Dean's Office. Franklin OIT is responsible for collecting proposals from departments and presenting them to the Dean's Office for consideration. The Dean's Office will review and rank proposals, and Franklin OIT will submit approved proposals to the STF Advisory Committee by the deadline.
Department heads or their delegates are responsible for submitting and prioritizing STF One-Time Funding requests in the Franklin College Requests and Commitments System by October 1. A memo to remind department heads to update the queue is sent out in September.
STF One-Time Funding Timeline
Franklin OIT typically notifies departments by February 1 once funding is transferred and available for departments to spend.
The deadline for purchasing is April 1. Balances are reallocated to fund additional STF requests after the deadline.
Learning Technologies Grants (LTG) Information
The purpose of the Learning Technologies Grants (LTG) program is to enhance teaching and learning at the University of Georgia through the innovative use of technology. This program supports work aimed at developing, implementing, and evaluating the use of technology to positively impact student learning. It is administered by the Center for Teaching and Learning with guidance from the LTG Advisory Group. LTGs are one-time allocations and should not be used for projects with recurring costs unless maintenance funding is identified prior to submitting proposals.
LTG Funding Priorities
Priorities vary from year-to-year, but the criteria are posted online under the "Requirements and Restrictions" section.
Requesting LTG Allocation Funds
Proposals no longer require the Dean's signature and can be submitted to CTL directly by the published deadline.
Faculty are encouraged to collaborate with Franklin OIT when developing LTG proposals. We are available to assist with technology-related hardware and software selection, policy and purchasing guidance, and state contract pricing needs when applicable. Collaborating during the early planning stages is preferred because some projects require more time to research and obtain quotes. Please contact the Franklin OIT help desk to request a consultation at your earliest convenience.
LTG Funding Approval
CTL typically notifies grant recipients directly. Additionally, Franklin OIT typically notifies grant recipients and departments by August 1 once funding is transferred and available to spend.
The deadline for purchasing is December 1. Balances are reallocated to fund additional STF or LTG requests after the deadline.