Occasionally you may want to share information with people that is not appropriate for web sites. This might include course materials for previous classes, publications, research findings, etc. We recommend using UGA's Office 365 OneDrive service for this purpose. This document will outline how to upload files to OneDrive, how to make them sharable and how to link to them from within your personnel page on your Franklin College Personnel page.
Step-by-step guide
This document will be broken down into two sections:
- Uploading files to One Drive
- Sharing files on OneDrive
- Linking to files from your personnel page
Section 1: Uploading files to OneDrive.
Step 1: Login to OneDrive
Go to https://ugamail.uga.edu/ and login with your myID. After you login, you will be taken to Mail. Click the icon that looks like 9 dots.
Then click the "OneDrive" Icon
Step 2: Create folders and set permissions
We recommend creating a folder for the files you want to share publicly. Click the "new" button and then click "folder."
Perhaps name it "Public Files" or any other name you choose and click "Create"
After you create the folder, the screen will refresh and show the new folder. You will notice it is set to "private" under sharing.
Click the three dots next to the folder name and choose "Share"
This pop up will open when you click to "Share" and will default to "people you can specify to edit"
Click that option and choose the option you want. You can provide these files in this folder to ANYONE or just anyone with a UGA myID login. Make sure to uncheck the "allow editing" checkbox. That is activated on default.
After you click apply, the original pop up will still be open.
Next click the "Copy" button and it will provide you a link. You won't need this link for this particular use case but you have to click that to save the sharing settings for this folder.
This is what you see after you click "Copy". Just click the X to close it.
Once you close that window you will see the directory listing - the folder may still appear as "private" but if you refresh the screen it will say "shared"
Step 3: Upload Files
Click the name of the new folder you created. You will see an empty screen with directions to drag your files there. Just grab the files from your hard drive that you want to place in the folder, click and hold each one and drag on top of the OneDrive screen and they will automatically upload.
After you have uploaded them, you can click on each one to obtain the link to each file. This is the link you will use to provide on web pages to give people a way to access them.