This page lists upcoming training opportunities online and in-person for content editors on Franklin College websites.

Online Training 

The web team offers weekly online training on Wednesdays at 11:15am. Each 30 minute session focuses on one or two small tasks and will be conducted using Zoom online software.

We recommend signing in a few minutes early to ensure your computer configurations are correct before the training begins. The url is:

Below are the topics for the current semester. Updated November 15, 2019.

DateTraining TopicLevelRelevant DocumentationSign up

No sign up required for online training; click to access the training



Topics and training will be determined by the audience in attendance.

All levelsYour pick!


No Online Training (Week of Thanksgiving)


Adding a Special Section to Your Site (like a conference) 

Parts One & Two

Advanced - unit admins

Creating Special Sections of Your Site


Adding a Special Section to Your Site (like a conference) - Continued -

Parts Three & Four

Advanced - unit admins

Creating Special Sections of Your Site


No Online Training

Spring 2020 online trainingTopics TBD

In-Person Training

The web team offers in-person training a few times a year in Gilbert Hall. Sessions are up to 2 hours and include time to practice and/or ask questions. Users are welcome to bring a personal laptop, but if we are in a computer lab, computers will be available.   

Please use the Sign Up Forms so we know you expect to attend.

Date and TimeTraining NameDetailsLevelLocationSign up

December 5, 2019; 2-4pm

(Reading Day)

Basic Website Training for BeginnersOverview on working with your website, including logging in, adding images, links, files, working with the slideshow, and web accessibility.BeginnerGilbert Hall, 113 (computer lab)Please use Training and Development's Professional Education Portal to register. Search for the class title.
December 16, 2019; 2-4pmBasic Photoshop Training

Sometimes Drupal's cropping capabilities aren't enough. Learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to take your site's visuals to the next level. No previous Photoshop experience required.

Please bring a laptop with Adobe Photoshop installed. If you need help getting Photoshop, you may create a ticket with the Helpdesk before the training date.


Gilbert Hall, 122

(conference room, please bring a laptop with Adobe Photoshop installed. See "details" column.)

Please use Training and Development's Professional Education Portal to register. Search for the class title. We are limited to 10 people. 

A note on the levels


Suitable for beginners or content editors looking for a refresher.


For content editors who feel confident with the basics of working with their site and are looking to do more.


Special topics for confident content editors.

Other training

As a reminder, we have a wealth of self-help documents in our Knowledge Base under Drupal Support.

Training Archive

Online Training Archive

Fall 2019

DateTrainingTypeDetail and/or relevant documentation


Publishing and promoting eventsBeginner

Creating Events on your site

Publishing Events to the UGA Calendar of Events


Welcome to your websiteBeginner

Login help document

Content versus lists of content (views)

Adding and editing content (content types)

Types of fields, intro to the text editor field

Unpublishing or Deleting Content

Getting help


Inserting links and files


Adding links to content

Inserting PDFs and other Documents

If time: Reducing PDF size


Inserting imagesBeginner

Adding images to content

If time: Resizing and Optimizing Large Images

If time: Embedding a Video in a page


MenuBeginnerAdding pages to the menu structure


QualtricsIntermediateCreating a basic qualtrics form etc...


Content controlBeginner

Unpublishing or Deleting Content

Restrict Access to Content

Scheduling Content

Disabling links in the menu


Optimizing imagesIntermediate

Guide to Image Sizes

Optimizing Web site Images

Photoshop: Resizing and Optimizing Large Images


By request: Embedding video, calendars, social media, etcBeginner to Intermediate

Embedding Video in a page

Google Calendars

If time:

Social media

Embedding Qualtrics forms/surveys


Taxonomy classification - how to change out or create your own checkboxes for event types, personnel positions, etc.IntermediateFiltering certain pages by Taxonomy Classification


User management - who has access, what access they have, how to give it and get it (mostly for unit administrators)Beginner to Intermediate (unit admins)

Seeing who has access to your site 

Permission Levels

"Become" another user to check their permissions by using "Masquerade"

If time: Restrict Access to Content

If time/needed: Requesting new accounts for users on your website 


Page layout overview (including working with sidebars, by request)BeginnerWorking with the text editor region that allows you to add images, videos, etc, and choose how they appear together.


Redirects (unit admins)Beginner - unit adminsRedirect Old Links to New Links


The Front Page - everything about the home page of your site

Changing the color scheme of your site

Adding/Editing Homepage Slides

Happy text/sidebar

Adding pages to the menu structure (*quick overview)

Managing Content in Blocks (needs to be updated to reflect the lack of access to block layout page)

What's up with the spotlights?

Spring 2019

Inserting ImagesFoundational

Learn how to upload images and insert them next to text on your site. We'll also discuss alignment, captioning, and alternative text for images. We'll troubleshoot common issues and talk about optimal image sizes.

Links and FilesFoundationalInserting links using button on text editor field to pages on sites and pages on other sites. Uploading and linking to files. Accessible links.
Working with the menuFoundationalWhat content belongs in the menu and two ways to put it here.
Optimizing ImagesBeyond the BasicsDifference between image field and text editor field. Understanding how one image gets used throughout the site.


Qualtrics in place of PDF formsIntermediateHow to create a basic Qualtrics form and embed it on your site. Stephanie can request accounts for attendees.

In Person Training Archive

Date and TimeTraining NameDetailsLevelLocation


Basic Website TrainingOverview on working with your website, including logging in, adding images, links, files, working with the slideshow, and web accessibility.FoundationalGilbert Hall 121
Optimizing Your WebsiteBest practices for page layout, including headings, images and links. Optimizing images. Making "Events" show up automatically on the UGA Master Calendar. Making data tables mobile friendly. Beyond the Basics + IntermediateGilbert Hall 122


Google Analytics: Understanding Your Site's VisitorsUnderstanding the data we have collected about your visitors over the years using Google Analytics. Note, due to the personalized nature of this training, seats are limited. Please sign up in advance.IntermediateGilbert Hall 122
August 13, 2019; 2-4pmBasic Website TrainingOverview on working with your website, including logging in, adding images, links, files, working with the slideshow, and web accessibility.BeginnerGilbert Hall, 113 (computer lab)

Please email Lauren via

Canceled due to lack of sign ups.

See our weekly Online Training section below for more opportunities