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The Franklin College policy for off-campus inventoried equipment.


Franklin College has added additional restrictions to the UGA Policy on Off Campus use of Equipment which , which are outlined below. This addendum to UGA policy defines and communicates appropriate use poses additional restrictions to the qualifications, approval, and use of state-owned, inventoried equipment used off-campus by Franklin College faculty, staff, or students.  This addendum will help ensure that Board of Regents and University procedures are followed and understood. All All Franklin College units are within the scope of this policy.


IT Equipment Policy

Franklin College requires College requires a University of Georgia control number and decal for  IT equipment, regardless of acquisition cost, IT equipment that is used to access, transmit, receive, and/or store university data . Examples of IT equipment that should be tagged include servers, desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets, and standalone mobile devices (e.g., iPods or cell phones without carrier service).

Exceptions to the IT Equipment Policy


  • Justification: These items do not typically store university data and are not considered high risk/theft items.

regardless of acquisition cost or location of use (i.e., on or off-campus). See the information page on Inventory Control for more information.

Approval Criteria and Quantity Limits


In an effort to be consistent and streamline form processing, the College defined the following approval criteria for off-campus equipment.

Requests from faculty and emeritus faculty will be approved if at least one of the following criteria is metmust meet the  following criteria to qualify:

  1. Engagement in scheduled teaching during the current academic year or active involvement in graduate committees or advisement if multiple students are served.
  2. Participation in sponsored research or research proposal.
  3. Current involvement in public service and outreach activities such as the Archway Partnership.
  4. Current service in an administrative role such as dean, department head, or director.


  1. A letter from the department head requesting the off-campus use and stating the reason for this request (listing the work the individual is currently performing for UGA).
  2. It will be the department's responsibility to inform the user that the items are the property of the state and must be returned to the department when they are no longer needed or when they quit working. The items should not be disposed of in any manner. State owned property, whether inventoried or not, cannot be 'gifted' as compensation for work performed or as a 'retirement' gift.
All Current Staff

Requests from staff will be approved when Staff requests qualify if the job description requires working remotely or features regular travel.


State-owned, inventoried equipment may be assigned to individual students if they are employed by the University; students that . Students who are not employees require a sponsoring faculty member in order to qualify for off-campus use.

Quantity Limits

Up to three inventoried, information technology (IT) devices (computer, printer, scanner, projector, etc.) may be assigned to a specific faculty or staff member for individual off-campus use, ; up to two of these devices may be computers; if . If additional inventoried IT devices are needed for individual use, they may be checked out from a departmental pool. 


Departments that wish to make state-owned, inventoried equipment available to faculty, staff, or students for University purposes on a short-term basis may provide an equipment pool. If departments use the pool model, the department name may be listed as the 'Individual Requesting Authorization' on the authorization form Custodian' within OneSource Asset Management rather than an individual. When possible, departments are encouraged to use a pool of checkout equipment rather than making long-term assignments to specific individuals; using . Using a pool will also help support professionals maintain the equipment as items can be rotated out as needed. Pools may be assigned to a subgroup within the department such as a lab or program.


If you plan to take inventoried equipment off-campus, obtain written supervisor approval first. Once approved, work with your department's inventory control offer officer and/or business manager to locate the inventoried item and designate it for off-campus use in the asset management database in the UGA Financial Management System. There is documentation about how to initiate this process in the OneSource Training Library.


Off-campus Devices and Sensitive Data

If sensitive or restricted data must be stored on or accessed by off-campus devices, develop a process must be developed with your IT (information technology) professional support group to ensure that sensitive the data are protected. Please refer to UGA's Data Classification and Protection Standards to ensure you are in compliance with UGA policy. 

Laptops and other portable IT devices used off campus must be returned to campus for maintenance and updates as specified by the department and for annual inventory scanning for accountability.


Individuals found to be in violation of the UGA policy or the Franklin College policy extensions may lose eligibility to use state-owned equipment off campus. If negligence results in theft or sensitive data exposure, the faculty member, staff member, or student may be responsible for equipment replacement or reimbursement of legal fees at the discretion of the Dean and UGA Legal Affairs.
