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  • Franklin College defines inventoried equipment as all inventoried items with a total purchase price of $500 or more, even though USG uses a $3,000 threshold. 
  • Franklin College has implemented additional approval criteria and quantity limits for the number of items that can be removed from campus. See below for more information. 

Approval Criteria

All Current Faculty

In an effort to be consistent and streamline form processing, the College defined the following approval criteria for off-campus equipment.


  1. Engagement in scheduled teaching during the current academic year or active involvement in graduate committees or advisement if multiple students are served.
  2. Participation in sponsored research or research proposal.
  3. Current involvement in public service and outreach activities such as the Archway Partnership.
  4. Current service in an administrative role such as dean, department head, or director.

When possible, UGA Elements will serve as the source of data to confirm current activities. Requests that do not meet any of these criteria will be considered on a case by case basis; please provide a detailed justification.

Emeritus Faculty

Emeritus faculty must meet additional requirements for off-campus use of assets.

  1. A letter from the department head requesting the off-campus use and stating the reason for this request (listing the work the individual is currently performing for UGA).
  2. The standard form that is required for currently employed individuals would also be required. On the form where budget position number and title are to be filled in the department should type 'see attached documents.' Renewal would be required on annual basis just as it is for individuals currently employed. 
  3. It will be the department's responsibility to inform the user that the items are the property of the state and must be returned to the department when they are no longer needed or when they quit working. The items should not be disposed of in any manner. State owned property, whether inventoried or not, cannot be 'gifted' as compensation for work performed or as a 'retirement' gift.

All Current Staff

Requests from staff will be approved when the job description requires working remotely or regular travel.


State-owned, inventoried equipment may be assigned to individual students if they are employed by the University; students that are not employees require a sponsoring faculty member. 


I am trying to find a link to this policy below so we can link to it instead or echoing it to make sure our information doesn't get outdated.

Board of Regents Policy on Off-campus Equipment and Emeritus Faculty:



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