This works very similarly to our Drupal 7 sites.
1) Type and select your text
First, select the text you want to be linked and click on the "Link" icon, which looks like a chain.
2) Paste your link url, or select your PDF doc
Now we can add a link to another page on our site, to a pdf or doc, and/or to a page on someone else's site.
A) From the Link prompt, select "Open File Browser."
B) Copy the whole url and paste it.
This should include the "http://" part when you paste it.
C) Paste the entire url.
Save your Link, the Page, and test your link.
3) Save your link and test it
If you haven't done so already, Save the link, your page, and test the new link to be sure it works. The example below is where I made a link to the Directory, but you should test any link you add, internal, external or to a PDF.