Sample Undergraduate Majors List Page - https://live-franklin-demo.pantheonsite.io/majors-degrees/all
Sample Degree Detail Page - https://live-franklin-demo.pantheonsite.io/majors-degrees/content/biochemistry-and-molecular-biology-bs
Here are some examples of high-performing program pages to model after:
- https://roml.franklin.uga.edu/graduate-degree-programs
- https://phil.franklin.uga.edu/graduate-degree-programs
- https://www.gsstudies.uga.edu/graduate-degree-programs
Graduate Student Forms
Units are required to provide at least a page with one link that links students to the gradstatus site to access needed forms but are encouraged to provide links to department-specific forms if any exist.
Here are some examples of high-performing program pages that have a robust forms page to model after:
- https://roml.franklin.uga.edu/graduate-student-forms
- https://phil.franklin.uga.edu/graduate-student-forms
Graduate Student Handbook