Editing your Personnel Page or Directory Listing on Your Unit's Site

Editing your Personnel Page or Directory Listing on Your Unit's Site

Complexity Level: Beginner

This is a beginner topic. Little to no advanced knowledge is required.

Permission Level


If you are faculty, staff or even a graduate student, you can edit your personnel page/directory listing on your unit's site. This is a great way to keep your information current and share your research and other academic pursuits. These instructions will guide you through logging in and editing our personnel page. 

Table of Contents

Steps for Editing Your Personnel Page

Step 1: Log into Your Unit's Site

Go to your department's web site, and scroll to the very bottom. You will see a link that says "Login for Faculty, Staff and Students" or something similar. See below. Click that link. 

Next, you will be sent to an intermediate login page. Click the link that says "To login to this site, click here." See below. 

Next you will get to the CAS login screen. Login with your normal myID. Note, it may be different than your email address.

You should now be logged in. Notice the black toolbar at the very top of your screen, along with a white bar that says content. Click on the Edit Your Personnel Page to navigate to your page. If you do not have this screen, follow the directions in Step 2.

Are you having login problems?

If you are having trouble logging in, please put in a ticket via https://helpdesk.franklin.uga.edu.

Step 2: Navigate to Your Directory Listing and Page

Click on your image or name and it will take you to your personnel page.

It may have just your name, or more. Click on the Edit tab.

Step 3: Make your edits

Most of the time, working on your personnel page is simple: you just fill out the fields.

Beyond the "Full Name," which appears as the page title, and the "First Name" "Last Name" fields, which allow us to sort you in the directory, most fields are optional. 

About Titles: You can list as many titles as you want and they will all appear on your personnel page. However only the top two will appear in the directory grid. In some places, such as when your name appears beneath articles, events, courses and graduate students, only the first title will appear. 

Here are some optional fields you can fill out, including an affiliation that links to another website. This field is useful if you want to link to another UGA Department website that you have a listing on.

In addition to the regular office field, many of the sciences make use of a Lab office and Lab Phone field.


You may also upload an image of yourself. (If you don't, a placeholder image-- often of the Arch-- appears instead).

If, after saving your page, you aren't happy with the way your image appears next to your content or in the directory or spotlight, you my elect to crop it. 

"Crop 1:1 Square" is how your photo will appear next to your personnel information, and in the directory listing with other personnel. 

The "Crop 3:2 Spotlight" is how it will appear if it shows up in spotlights. This cropping is particularly handy to avoid having your face or chin cut off. 

See Optimizing Website Images for more information on how Image cropping works. 

Special fields

Some fields have a circle in the end of them them. They are either fields you can add links to, or they are fields that reference other content on the site.

For example, you can indicate the courses she regularly teaches. These courses have been pre-loaded on the site by your unit's site administrator.

Type the first letters in the course code, say "MIBO" in this example and you'll get some options you can select.

A link will automatically appear for courses that you add, once you save the page:

And when someone clicks on the course from this page or somewhere else on the site, your name and photo will  automatically appear with it. 

Let's go back to edit mode and take a peak under the "Research" drop down at the bottom of the edit screen.

As with Courses, many sites also have pre-loaded Research Areas. It works the same way as Courses.

If you see one or more of these kinds of fields, simply try typing in them, and see what comes up. Or browse on your site and see what areas appear in the "Research" section. Talk to your site administrator if you are missing a research area. 

The text editor field

This kind of field is the most flexible field. It allows you to insert and format text, links, and images. 

The above example shows the Biography and Education, but there may also be a text editor-type field in other places too. 

Here's some detailed help on adding links, pdfs, and images to text editor fields:

Fields for Graduate Students

There are special fields for graduate students under a drop-down at the bottom of the edit page.

Here, you will find optional additional fields, such as fields for indicating your graduation date, thesis title, committee members and more.

How and if your department makes use of these fields on the site depends on which unit you are part of.

If there's a field with a little circle at the end, you can reference to Faculty members who exist on the site. Just begin typing their name, and the field should autocomplete.

In the above example, we are editing graduate student Bessie Coleman's information, and listing Annie Easley as her major professor. Below we are adding other personnel as part of her committee. All of the personnel already exist on the site...

...however there's space to list personnel who are not on the website, perhaps because they are at another university.

By doing this, your committee members who have a directory listing on this site will automatically appear on your directory page, and your photo will in turn appear on their pages.

Step 5: Save your changes

When you are done working with your page, save it.

You can now see your changes, which are live on your unit's site. Below you can see Annie Easley's updated personnel page. 

You may want to save often in case you accidentally click away or close your browser and lose your changes.

What about articles and seminars/events?

To get Seminars/Events and Articles (News) about you to appear at the bottom of your personnel page, make sure your website's content administrator is tagging you in events and news that features you. 

And my graduate students?

Similarly, Graduate Students must tag you for them to appear on your personnel page as your students.

See the section above about fields for Graduate Students. 

You can edit your personnel page as often as you need to!

 Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can edit their directory listing?

These instructions are for those units who have sites made with Drupal 8. With maybe one exception, all of our sites are in Drupal 8 now.

Is there a way to import the information I fill out in UGA Elements onto the website?

We wish we could integrate with the Elements application, but for now the information on your unit's website must be entered separately.

I have a personnel page on several Franklin unit websites. How does that work?

You must log into each site where you have a page and update your information. However, the same login process applies for all sites. So if your home department is Communication Studies, but you are also an affiliate of Women's Studies, you'll use the same login process for each site to update our personnel page. 

Login Assistance

To manage any part of your web site, you will have to be logged into the Drupal CMS.

If you need help logging in, please review this login help document. 

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