GitHub Enterprise Campus Partner Program Service

GitHub Enterprise Campus Partner Program Service


Through a partnership between Grady College’s New Media Institute and Franklin OIT, a campus-wide GitHub Enterprise license has been established for University of Georgia faculty, staff, and students through the GitHub Campus Partner Program. The services are available to all faculty, staff, and students for non-commercial, academic uses as defined in the GitHub terms of service[1].  Franklin OIT’s role is to provide access to manage the agreement with GitHub and annual renewal, provide guidance and documentation on use to interested groups, and to facilitate support requests with GitHub when appropriate. Franklin OIT does not operate the service nor do we provide technical support outside of basic guidance and documentation.

[1] https://education.github.com/schools/terms

Benefits of Service

  • Industry standard, cloud-hosted, code and file versioning services.
  • Basic web hosting services through GitHub Pages.
  • 3rd party maintained and supported.

Requesting Use and Support

Individuals and units can request access to this service by contacting the Franklin Helpdesk at:

Current Rates for Service

University of Georgia faculty, staff, and students can utilize this service for no additional charge.


Use of this service is currently limited to active University of Georgia faculty, staff, and students within departments, units, or official groups. Use is limited to non-commercial academic purposes and this service is not available to UGA affiliates or inactive employees including emeritus or retirees.

Service Responsibilities

Client Responsibilities

  • The client is responsible for any fees or purchases associated with the following services or components:
    • GitHub spaces, domain name registration or purchases outside of *.uga.edu
    • Procurement of any professional services or assistance for setting up or using the GitHub product.
  • Providing technical support and guidance to members of the organization using the GitHub Enterprise license.
  • Managing permissions to GitHub repositories and files to ensure appropriate access controls and security are implemented.
  • Management of accounts accessing the organization under the Enterprise license.
  • Additional configuration and setup beyond the basic setup guidance provided by Franklin OIT.
  • Copying and managing data stored on the service.
  • Maintaining compliance with state, local, and UGA policies, procedures, and standards.
  • Responsible for providing Franklin OIT with at least two contacts within the department or unit having control of the GitHub organization.
  • Organization owners are responsible for the addition and removal of user accounts associated with their organization.
  • Two-factor authentication is required to be enabled for the organization prior to joining the enterprise license.
  • GitHub Organizations participating in this program will be moved under the top-level Franklin configured Organization to allow the Enterprise licensing to apply.
  • Maintain active use of the service on a regular basis. (Inactive organizations may be dropped from the Enterprise License after notification attempts)

Franklin OIT Responsibilities

  • Provide guidance on the setup and configuration of a GitHub organization which will be inserted into the larger Enterprise license underneath the Franklin College instance.
  • Maintain secure and private operations when working with the subordinate organizations underneath the Franklin College GitHub organization.
    • No Franklin OIT team members may view contents of private repositories or other protected information without prior approval from the organization owner and only for provided and defined business purposes.
  • Assistance for units in migrating existing uga.edu domain names (DNS) entries if using the GitHub website hosting functionality.
  • Guidance and consulting for recommendations in security and best practices.
  • Guidance and location of campus security policies, procedures, and guidelines.

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