Removing uga.edu emails from Zoom Whitelist

Removing uga.edu emails from Zoom Whitelist

As of November 30, 2020, the waiting room function is required for any participants who do not have a UGA MyID and is automatically turned on for all UGA Zoom accounts

A recent update requires the waiting room to be enabled by default for all meetings.  However, participants who have authenticated with their UGA MyID and have verified their identity will be admitted to the meeting automatically, bypassing the waiting room. This is intentional, and helps make the waiting room more manageable for large lecture sections. Some hosts with smaller class sections may want to change this default setting on their Zoom account and require all attendees to be expressly admitted by the host. Turning off this feature will leave all attendees in the waiting room until manually admitted, including authenticated UGA participants. 

To adjust this setting, follow these steps:

1.) Go to uga.zoom.us in a web browser and select Sign In to configure your account.

2.) In the menu on the left side of the screen, go to Settings.

3.) Look for the option that says "Waiting Room Options" and click on "Edit Options" below it. 

4.) Remove *.uga.edu from the option that states "Users who are not in your account and not part of the allowed domains".

*Note: The "Continue" button may be grayed out when the uga.edu element is deleted, press Continue anyway and it will save your changes.

Once this setting is changed, @uga.edu email addresses will no longer be Whitelisted. This is an account-wide setting that will affect all future meetings with waiting rooms. 

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