Transferring Extension to External Number

Transferring Extension to External Number

It is possible to setup automatic forwarding of your campus extension to an external number (such as a cell phone).  To do so, you will need to have your unit head request this on your behalf.  They will need to email either megas@uga.edu or dnjordan@uga.edu and provide the extension(s) they want to have forwarding enabled upon.  Once Telephone Services replies with a confirmation that forwarding has been granted, the phone will need to be manipulated manually and in person.  

  1. Go to the phone that has the extension you want to forward.

       2a. If forwarding to a 706 Number, Dial *2-9-706-External Phone Number to which you want to forward (no hyphen is needed between the exchange and line number).

       2b. If not forwarding to a 706 Number, Dial *2-9-1-Areacode-External Phone Number to which you want to forward (no hyphen is needed between the exchange and line number).

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